Full Member
Full Members must meet more rigorous experience requirements than Associate Members. A Full Member shall have all of the rights, privileges and responsibilities of membership in the Society.
Associate Member
An Associate Member shall be a non-voting member. Except with respect to the Associate Member’s inability to vote, an Associate Member shall otherwise have the same rights, privileges and responsibilities as a Full Member.
Lifetime Member
In order to qualify as a Lifetime Member, except for the individual’s no longer devoting at least 50 percent of the individual’s working time engaged in the practice or administration of risk management consulting, the individual must meet all of the requirements established in the Bylaws. In addition, in order to qualify as a Lifetime Member, the individual must have been a member of the Society for at least ten consecutive years immediately preceding the individual’s nomination for election as a Lifetime Member. A Lifetime Member shall have the same rights, privileges and responsibilities as a Full Member, except that payment of annual dues is longer required.
Honorary Member
Honorary Members shall not have the right to vote, hold elective office, or be required to pay dues. Honorary Members may serve on committees and may attend meetings of the Society.
International Member
In order to qualify as an International Member, an individual must be a resident of other than the United States, Canada or Mexico, who, except for any applicable requirements for attendance at a Society conference or meeting, qualifies as either a Full Member or Associate Member. An International Member shall not hold elective office, but may serve on committees. An International Member shall not have the right to vote except while in actual attendance at the meeting at which the vote is being taken. Until such time as the International Member, except for any requirements for attendance at Society conference or meeting, would qualify as a Full Member, an International Member shall not have the right to vote.
Firm Member
A firm member is a consulting firm that is a member of the SRMC that provides independent risk management consulting services and has one or more individual Full, Associate or International Members in good standing of the SRMC.