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SRMC Individual Application

Welcome to the Membership Information section of our website and thank you for your interest in exploring membership opportunities with the Society of Risk Management Consultants (SRMC). Within this area of our web site, we have attempted to provide all of the information you will need to learn about and pursue membership in the SRMC. If at any time you have any questions or need assistance in the application process, send an e-mail inquiry to our Membership Committee Chair.


SRMC provides exceptional opportunities for independent consultants to enhance their technical insurance, risk management and employee benefit knowledge, and draw from the vast experience of SRMC’s international membership and network with many of the best consultants in the world. 

Professional development opportunities are available in several ways.

  • SRMC’s Spring and Fall educational conferences provide industry-leading training on issues you deal with every day. This is not your typical risk and insurance conference. Our excellent speakers are able to dive deeply within their subject matter given the advanced audience they are addressing. Sessions feature SRMC members with special skills/expertise or other industry professionals who will guide you to be more valuable to your clients.
  • Members can pose questions about consulting practices and other issues using SRMC’s Listserv. Topics are often very specific and cover nuances rarely discussed in textbooks or industry publications. SRMC members have the expertise and knowledge of an international group of professional colleagues at their fingertips!
  • The Members-Only section of the SRMC website provides tools and templates for members conducting certain projects and serving industry-specific clients. This enhances members’ effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Networking – in person, on the phone and via e-mail. Membership in SRMC helps you help your clients!


It is important that you first understand our Code of Ethics and Requirements for Membership. If this is how you conduct your practice, we welcome you to join the Society!

To start the process, you will email your complete Membership Application to the Membership Committee Chair. If you are the first member of your firm to apply, we also require the completion of a Firm Membership Application. The applications are screened to make certain that all required information has been provided.

References are critical to our process. Within approximately one week, letters are sent to each of your listed references and to current SRMC members in your area requesting information. Follow-up letters are sent to each of your references at intervals of 30 days and 60 days. You will be copied on the 60-day follow-up and you will be given the opportunity to substitute a reference at that point if needed. If you do substitute a reference, there will be another 60-day period for reply.

Once all references are received, your file will be submitted to the Membership Committee for review. The Membership Committee Chair will communicate any questions posed by the Committee to you. Your answers will be provided to the Committee. This is an interactive process and final response from the Membership Committee is generally only solicited twice a year.

If your application is advanced by the Membership Committee, you will be invited to a meeting of the SRMC organization. These meetings occur in the spring and autumn of each year. Your attendance at a meeting is a prerequisite for admission to the Society.

Once the Board of Directors has accepted the Membership Committee’s recommendation, your membership will be voted on by the full membership at the semi-annual business meetings. Correspondence with you during this time period is generally limited to responding to inquiries and seeking additional information. You are free to contact the Membership Committee Chair at any time for an update on your application.


We have included some Frequently Asked Questions that may be of assistance to you as you begin or consider the membership application process.
