Membership Benefits

SRMC provides exceptional opportunities for independent consultants to enhance their technical insurance, risk management and employee benefit knowledge, and draw from the vast experience of SRMC’s international membership and network with many of the best consultants in the world.

Professional development opportunities are available in several ways.

  • SRMC’s Spring and Fall educational conferences provide advanced training on issues consultants deal with every day. Sessions feature SRMC members with special skills or client experience and other industry professionals who will guide you to be more valuable to your clients.
  • Members can pose questions about consulting practices and other issues using SRMC’s Listserv. Topics are often very specific and cover nuances rarely discussed in textbooks or industry publications. SRMC members have the expertise and knowledge of an international group of professional colleagues at their fingertips!
  • The Members-Only section of the SRMC website provides tools and templates for members conducting certain projects and serving industry-specific clients. This enhances members’ effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Networking – in person, on the phone and via e-mail. Membership in SRMC helps you help your clients!
  • The SRMC Forum is a growing body of knowledge comprised of member contributions, catalogued topically. Each day it grows and becomes more valuable.